Parks and Promenades

Parks and Promenades

Bahía Blanca has a wide variety of green spaces where you can relish different outdoor activities. Residents can enjoy all kinds of shows, artisan markets and fairs, or relax in the afternoon or evening.

We invite you to get to know them!

PASEO LINEAL | LINEAR PROMENADE | Alfonsina Storni, Julio Corenfeld, Cuyo Sts. & La Plata Ave.

This green promenade starts at Parque de Mayo, from Florida St. and extends along Alfonsina Storni, Julio Corenfeld, Cuyo Sts. and La Plata Ave. It has lighting, benches, playgrounds, food trucks, fitness trails, and bike trails. Along its route, there are different monuments that give their names to the squares where they are located, including:


The monument is located in the homonymous square. It was designed and built in 1999 by the artist Maria Aráoz, as a memorial to women and their role in society facing the new century. The author asserts that the monument represents the balance between “the body, the mind and the spirit”, that portrays “the ideals of a family”.

BOSQUE DE LA PAZ | FOREST FOR PEACE | Guido Spano & Alfonsina Storni Sts.

The project began in 1994, when the Municipal Peace Day was established. Then, in 1995, 86 trees were planted in this space, to honor the victims of the AMIA (Jewish Community Center) bombing. The architect Horacio Miglierina designed a fountain that would serve as an amphitheater to honor the victims of the aforesaid terrorist attack. There, you can also admire the ornamental artwork donated by its creator Ángel Ricardo Dente. It is part of a series of artworks that he created in different places, expressing abstract concepts like “Beauty”, “Humanity”, “International Peace”, “Harmony” and “Love”. The one located in our city belongs to the “International Peace” series.


The monument is a cenotaph inaugurated on April 2, 2005, designed and built by request of the Malvinas Veterans Group. It fulfills the desire for remembrance and tribute to those soldiers who died in war. It comprises 15 plaques on a semicircular wall: words of appreciation can be read on the center plaque, and the other 14 show the full names and war roles of the fallen citizens. On a metallic plaque, elevated from the center up to the sky, the island’s silhouettes are traced along with the phrase “y juraron con gloria a morir” (“and they vowed to die with glory”, which alludes to the Argentine national anthem).

On April 2, 2009, a row of panels was installed along the public promenade. On these illuminated billboards you can find the individual photos of each of the 23 fallen veterans.


The “Night of the Pencils” was the name given to a student repression attack by Argentina’s last civil-military dictatorship that took place in La Plata on September 16, 1976. One of the victims was María Clara Ciocchini, an 18-year-old from Bahía Blanca. As a result, it was in commemoration of that attack that this square was established in 1995.

It was designed by the landscape architect Horacio Migliera and it consists of six vertical plaques. The artwork is shaped like a square inside a circle. There, you can see different parts of the monument from different angles as you walk around it.

Originally, each “pencil” was painted in vivid and uniform colors, with the name of each of the missing students written in black. They were aimed to be an interactive area, allowing each passerby to write a message on their surface. However, they were repainted in mid-2007, without respecting the original design.


The 1984 Nobel Prize of Medicine winner Dr. Milstein was born in this city. He is considered one of the most prestigious Argentine scientists, and is remembered with this unique and creative monument that allows the visitor to interact with it.

It is comprised of a big red circle shape held up to the sky by seven contorted columns, representing a microscope. On every 24th of March -Dr Milstein’s date of death- you can get into the monument and, due to the inclination of the upper ring, appreciate the Crux constellation.


The initiative began by a request of the Commission of Historic Reaffirmation and the Centre Brigadier General Juan Manuel de Rosas. In it, they asked to relocate the cannon settled on Plazoleta Garibaldi to a place that more effectively showcased its historical significance. By doing this, they honored those who defended our National Sovereignty in 1845, in Rio de la Plata at La Vuelta de Obligado, and in 1982, in the Malvinas War.

The cannon (a piece owned by the National Naval Museum entrusted to the Municipal Historical Museum) was finally relocated in 2011. It was acquired during President Sarmiento’s tenure and placed as one of the coastal defenses on Martín García Island in 1874. The square combines the idea of sovereignty because it is located in the space adjacent to the Malvinas Memorial, which reaffirms our ongoing remembrance of the 1982 conflict.


The monument is a cenotaph inaugurated on April 2, 2005, designed and built by request of Malvinas Veterans Group. It fulfills the desire for remembrance and tribute to those soldiers who died in war. It comprises 15 plaques on a semicircular wall: words of appreciation can be read on the center plaque, and the other 14 show the full names and war roles of the fallen citizens. On a metallic plaque, elevated from the center up to the sky, the island’s silhouettes are traced along with the phrase “y juraron con gloria a morir” (“and they vowed to die with glory”, which alludes to the Argentine national anthem).

On April 2, 2009, a row of panels was installed along the public promenade. On these illuminated billboards you can find the individual photos of each of the 23 fallen veterans.

PARQUE DE MAYO | MAY PARK | Alem Ave. & Córdoba St.

It’s the largest green space in the city. Around 1906, it was a private initiative project that sought the construction of a neighborhood exclusively of chalets and extensive tree planting. For this project (first of its kind in Argentina and in South America), the Belgian architect and landscape artist designer Augusto Flamant was called in. In spite of the commitment for the construction of the chalets, these were not carried out. Eventually, the private project became a Municipal Park. Its inauguration was held on December 25, 1906. Four years later, its name was changed to Parque de Mayo (May Park) to celebrate the first centenary of the May Revolution in Argentina.

Currently, the park is an ideal place to practice sports, as it has a health track, bike paths, soccer fields, basketball courts, softball fields, cross bike paths, and a skatepark. You can also enjoy the traditional “cubanitos bahienses” (an Argentine sweet and crispy wafer tube filled with a sweet caramel created in Bahía Blanca) with the most varied fillings.

Within the park, there is an artificial pond where you can spot fish and ducks, and take a ride in pedal boats. You can also enjoy a variety of cultural shows taking place in the recently refurbished amphitheater La Isla, which you can find in the center of the pond.

El Rosedal, an open-air space inaugurated in 2003 by the city’s Flower and Gardening Association, is also located near the amphitheater.



This is the entrance gate to the current Parque de Mayo. Of colonial lines and inspired by a similar one in the locality of Brandsen, it was designed by the municipal commissioner Jorge Aguilar, who, after his design of the portal being rejected, had it built anyway.

Monumento Bahía Blanca a sus fundadores | Bahía Blanca Founders Monument

Located on the main access street to the Park, it is an Asset of Artistic and National Historical Interest. It was inaugurated in 1931 and recreates scenes typical of our region: El Rodeo, Los Estibadores, La Conquista del Desierto, and La Vida Campera. On the upper part a woman can be seen carrying the coat of arms, representing the Argentine Nation, twinned with a colonist, an immigrant and a soldier. It is the work of the renowned national sculptor César Sforza.

Monumento a La Loba de Rómulo y Remo | Monument to the Romulus and Remus Capitoline She-wolf

Donated by the Italian community in 1978, in homage of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the city. It has a set of four stairs at its base and a platform where a pedestal and a Doric column are located. This column supports the statue of the founders of Rome at the top.

Monumento de la Comunidad Sirio Libanesa | Monument of the Syrian-Lebanese Community

It is a pillar located in a small roundabout near the fitness trail, donated in 1929 for the centenary of the founding of the city. It served as both a decoration and a clock.

Located in the former “Barrio Parque Adornado”, it was a novel proposal. One of the curiosities is that it was powered by electricity and had a light that allowed it to be seen at night. This clock did not last long due to vandalism, and although it was renovated once, it got destroyed again.

Monumento a San Martín | Monument to San Martin

On May 25, 1910, this monument, which was the first one of the city, was inaugurated. In its base, there was a lead box that had been placed two days before. This box contained the richest and most varied material of the Centenary period. In 2010 it was removed as a legacy for the future generations. The statue was casted in the Campo de Mayo workshops and brought to our city by train. Its pedestal was designed by the architect Gregorio Salamandekov and its location in the park was questioned at the time as people thought it was far from the center.

PASEO NAPOSTÁ | NAPOSTÁ PROMENADE | Urquiza St. between Córdoba & Casanova Sts.

It is a lineal promenade that borders the Napostá stream, which runs along the entire park and follows its course until it flows into the bay. Its banks are landscape for recreation and it has a bicycle lane. It is one of the main places chosen by both visitors and local residents to enjoy outdoors. The promenade has four bridges called “Paseo Cantata de Los Puentes Amarillos, Luis Alberto Spinetta” in homage to the musician who composed the song with the same name, inspired by Van Gogh and his paintings.

PASEO DE LAS ESCULTURAS | SCULPTURES PROMENADE | Urquiza St. between Casanova & Sarmiento Sts.

This promenade is the continuation of the Napostá Promenade. It is ornamented with a big fountain and a series of sculptures created during the 1st National Symposium of Monumental Sculpture, held in the city in 1993. The 10 sculptures are made with materials from the railway. They are known as: “De lo Verde a lo Seco”, “Quo Vadis, Dónde Vas”, “Todo Elástico”, “Flecha y Arco”, “La Portuaria”, “Huellas”, “Elemento”, “Interacción”, “Formas de Seducción”, and “Ojival”. (“Interacción” and “Ojival” sculptures were created by two local artists).

PARQUE BORONAT | BORONAT PARK | 3 de Febrero & Ramón y Cajal Sts.

Due to its geography and location, it is the midpoint between the Parque de Mayo and Parque Independencia. It is a large green space used by local residents, where many recreational and cultural activities and fairs are held. It has also been a favorable place for live music concerts by local and national bands. It has crosswalks, playgrounds, benches and a fitness trail.


In 1917, Mr. Angel Brunel began its work on Parque Independencia, a green space of approximately 19 hectares that, in 1930, would have a zoo. Today, the zoo no longer exists, but you can still see the remains of its vestiges. Nowadays, Bahia Blanca citizens carry out different sporting and recreational activities there. On weekends, there is a famous and big flea market that gathers many vendors that offer a wide variety of items (clothing, accessories, technology, antiques, etc.).

On the other hand, you can visit the Botanical Garden, which opened in 1995 and is managed by the Botanical Garden Friends Association. Its purpose is to teach the importance of plants in the conservation of the environment and, to do so, three main topics were developed: research, conservation of biodiversity and recreation. Therefore, it organizes various educational, recreational and research activities, as well as guided tours. Its access is at the intersection of Balboa and Sarratea Sts.

NUEVO PARQUE MUNICIPAL | NEW MUNICIPAL PARK | Cabrera Ave. between Fortaleza Argentina & Fragata Sarmiento Sts.

It is located in the lands of the so-called “Parque Campaña al Desierto” (Desert Campaign Park) on Cabrera St. between Fortaleza Argentina and Fragata Sarmiento Sts. It is an area of 60 hectares with a privileged location to sightsee the city from a panoramic viewpoint. Here you can see the reserve of Chañares, a protected urban space that allows you to contemplate the natural vegetation of this zone. The park has a square, native tree plantations, trails for walking, running, bicycles and a fitness trail.

COLONIA DE LOROS BARRANQUEROS | BURROWING PARROT COLONY | Cabrera Ave. between Fortaleza Argentina & Fragata Sarmiento Sts.

It is considered the largest colony located within an urban center in the world. This colony has at least more than 13,000 individuals, distributed between Parque de Mayo and the sector at the beginning of Cabrera Avenue, on the ravines. The Cabrera Ave.’s ravine is the nesting place, and the eucalyptus trees of Parque de Mayo are the resting places. In the afternoons, parrots make a spectacle of color and sound when they return to their roosts, crossing the entire city.

PASEO JUAN DOMINGO PERÓN (Ex Carrindanga) | JUAN DOMINGO PERÓN PROMENADE (Ex Carrindanga) | 1600 Florida St.

Located along Florida Street, it extends for about 2 km (1,24 mi. approx.) up to Paso Vanoli, bordering the train railways. It is quite crowded, especially on weekends, by sports lovers. It is also a place of recreation used to spend the day surrounded by nature. Several birds can be observed in their natural habitat. It has pedestrian paths and bicycle lanes, as well as a health trail at the beginning of the promenade. There is also a playground and benches at the intersection with Acuña St., where the Arroyo Napostá flows.

Near the beginning of the promenade there is a historical reference indicating one of the most relevant places of memory in the city: “La Escuelita”. It was a clandestine detention center located behind the 5th Army Corps. It was a precarious and ruinous building with two rooms, which had originally been used to keep military horses. It was demolished before the fall of the dictatorship of 1976-1983.

PARQUE NOROESTE | NORTHWEST PARK | Sixto Laspiur & Blandengues Sts.

This is a park that makes you travel to the past of the city’s railway. It is located between Sixto Laspiur, Blandengues, Rondeau and Malvinas Sts. The “Estación noroeste” and the park are a symbol of the neighborhood. It has an artificial pond supplied by an old spring surrounded by abundant vegetation. Among the old structures of the neighborhood’s railway patrimony, the brick side walls of the station’s assembly shed are still standing. The cultural center “La Nave Circo” also operates in this space, where one of the sheds is now used as a space for musical and artistic activities.


This space keeps a rural aspect that is still preserved 30 years after its inauguration in 1993. It is surrounded by a leafy grove of eucalyptus trees that delimit the area of the park; the access gate represents the typical entrance of an estancia. A central space forms a dance floor where every Sunday, different shows of local bands are organized live. It has a grill area, tables and benches, and playgrounds. Every weekend, a large fair of artisans and entrepreneurs is organized. Inside the park, there is also the Science Museum of the city.


Arturo Illia Park (ex Villa Rosas Park) was part of the land acquired in 1905 by the company Ferrocarril del Sud, which was meant to be a social club for its workers.

After several transfers between different companies and the State, in 1955, the park became national again. However, the expropriation had not been made official, so the promenade was still owned by a state electric company. It took seven years for the commune to receive the land, and it was not until 1971 that the park was opened to the public.

Nowadays, the park is used for craft and entrepreneur fairs, as well as for outdoor meetings and events, and is frequently enjoyed by residents of the neighborhood.


It is a park of about 50 hectares, inaugurated in 1978, located next to the estuary of Bahía Blanca. The estuary is a favorite spot to watch the sunset and it is ideal for fishermen. In its interior, it contains the Balneario Maldonado -a resort with all the necessary services to enjoy the day (swimming pools, camping, toilets, canteen service, benches and tables, bonfire area, parking, etc.).

PARQUE EVA PERÓN | EVA PERÓN PARK | Yrigoyen & Humboldt Sts.

In Argentina, Juan Domingo Perón and Eva Perón enjoy immense popularity. Juan Domingo Perón served as the country ‘s president three times, while Eva Perón held the title of First Lady of the Argentine Nation from 1946 until her death in 1952.

The park is a commemoration to both figures. Built in 1954, by the idea of the then Mayor Norberto Arecco, it is a small playground located in La Falda Neighbourhood. Its entrance gate is of neocolonial style, similar to Parque de Mayo and Parque Independencia gateways. It was one of the few constructions related to them which were not destroyed in the last civic-military dictatorship. Today, the gateway is still standing and in a very good state of conservation, as well as its original mast. There, you can also admire the monument to Eva Perón.